Saturday, February 24, 2007

Oh, I am one lucky knitter!

I received the most wonderful package FULL of rare Opal yarns today, and they are GORGEOUS! I am a very lucky knitting addict indeed, especially when most people in the country will never get to see these yarns!

I got most of the Lollipop collection (Opal Lollipop is a reprint of the famous hard-to-get collection, a real collector's item) and a few skeins of the Rainbow (Opal Regenbogen) Tryout collection....OH THE COLORS!!! I hope they will make this color combination a part of their regular line so I will be able to get more! Here is a quick shot of the Regenbogen, isn't it purty??

Monday, February 19, 2007

Yes, you can believe your eyes!

Wow! That's all I can muster for this one!! You can even make you own if you want to! You can find the pattern here