I just came across my custom dyed yarn today -- and I am in love all over again!
This stuff is soooooo squishy soft and lovely -- when it arrived, I could not believe there was such a thing as a wool yarn (it's merino) that was so soft....what did I know, I was new!
The only wool I knew was that scratchy stuff that old sweaters were make out of that you HAD to wear something under or spend the whole day in misery with itchy skin.
lovely colours!! merino yarn is squishy, soft and cuddly, knits beautifully too, you'll not want to knit it up lol
Awww, thanks sweetie :) I got this when I first started knitting and I still have it in the stash, I am afraid to knit it because I love feeling it just as it is! I have 10 balls of EXTREMELY expensive cashmere that I feel the same way about too....just need to find the right patterns I guess?
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