Here is one thing we can do -- can anyone that reads this message PLEASE go to this website and BEG (for me, please if not for your self) that they keep the crafting type shows ON DIY and HGTV -- Pretty Please? I'll be your best friend,2019,DIY_14146_14234,00.html
And I thank you from the bottom of my heart! *********
It doesn't happen very often these days -- I just don't have the energy to devote to being this angry any more, but I am PISSED!
Here I am, minding my own business, and for the first time in literally a week I am feeliing strong enough to sit up and read for a bit and what do I find but this lovely entry in Vicki Howell's (oh, how I ♥ that woman!!) Blog -- wait until you see -- You're gonna be pissed too! Hope Vicki doesn't mind my borrowing this -- it's easier than trying to word it myself:
Unfortunately, the voice of Knitty Gritty's mostly female viewership (or any of the other DIY craft shows, for that matter) has not rang through as clear when it comes to ratings. Nielsen has shown that the network's audience is overwhelmingly male's who watch Fix-it shows. That said, although KG is still strong for them in the genre they've found that re-runs do just as well for them as new shows so we won't be going into production this year. It will still be on 5 days a week but at least for 2007, the majority of the shows will be re-runs.
I'm very curious about how Nielsen box recipients are chosen and how accurate ratings are in this technological age when people are DVRing or often, watching at least parts of shows on the internet. Do men monopolize TV ratings power, or do women have as much ad revenue influence there as we do on-line? I suppose, there's only one way to find out. If you're a woman with a Nielsen box in the house and you enjoy Knitty Gritty, Craft Lab, Uncommon Threads, etc., then you can help ensure new episodes of the shows for 2008! Tune in and tune in often. Thank ya, kindly.
Now, what kind of A$$HATS are there at DIY Network anyway? Do they REALLY think they are making us happy with reruns? The only reason I watch them is because there isn't anything else on at that time -- however, if there were -- I wouldn't! AND, I am seriously thinking about a Boycott. I mean, WTF? We do NOT deserve to be treated like this!! How can they say things like just give them reruns, they're stupid and will watch them and be just as happy with them anyway. I am HIGHLY PO'd about that I tell you right now.....
Does ANYONE know how to go about doing something about this? Where can one write to try to persuade the "powers that be" to GIVE US NEW SHOWS??? PLEASE help if you know how I can do something about this!
Here is one thing we can do -- can anyone that reads this message PLEASE go to this website and BEG for me that they keep the crafting type shows ON DIY and HGTV -- Pretty Please? I'll be your best friend,2019,DIY_14146_14234,00.html
And I thank you from the bottom of my heart!
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