(the picture to the right contains my favorite sock shot ever. I fell in love with the picture before I even looked closely at the pattern for the first time - if you click on it, it will open up and you can see it in all its glory!!! I happen to love the sock too although I have been too skeered to tackled the pattern.....yet, it is on my list though. Along with everything else I can find that Cookie has designed -- I have not found ONE dud.)
Anyway, to get to the point, she's at it again, and this time with even BETTER designs. And I thought that I had missed out by not being able to attend Stitches, BUT, my dear knitting friends, fear not! Cookie has not let us down! She has started her own store!!! YEAH Cookie! And a HUGE thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
You can see her new designs on her brand new website Cookie A Knitwear Designs and please don't miss the Millicent Sock Pattern as pictured below -- please click to enlarge -- look at that sexy foot on that sock! OMG! I MUST try this one. Please send me all the knitting mojo you can spare. I am going to need it!!

Congrats on the new site, Cookie, and thank you so much again for making these available to those of us that could not make it to Stitches to meet you in person (DAMN!)...maybe some day!?