Saturday, April 21, 2007

Still trying to be good...

But it's getting harder and harder, since not doing all these things doesn't seem to be helping the pain AT ALL! I have been so good too! I have not knit one stitch, and I have been trying my best not to type much too -- and have not been using my injured arm for browsing AT's' amazing how uncoordinated I am with my right hand on the mouse ::GGG:: it's like I am brand new to computers!

It's pretty funny :) When we first got in to computers, we didn't know there were such things as extensions for mouse cords, and where we had our computer set up, we didn't have a place to put the mouse so that we could easily use the mouse with our right hands without standing on our heads with one hand behind our backs ::gg:: -- so we both got used to using our left hands on the mouse -- it really didn't matter though -- we were both so spastic with it that there was no difference which hand we were using, we REALLY needed to practice, practice, practice -- but once we moved out of the apartment and in to our house, and got the computer room set up -- we said, great! We can now use the mouse with our right hand like we're supposed to -- HA!

Wrong! Despite many, many months of trying -- neither of us ever did get comfortable with using the mouse with our right hands -- which is even more strange for DH than for myself, considering I do write with my left hand (that is the only thing I do left handed though -- the nuns and their rulers to the knuckles trick could not break me of writing with the left hand no matter how hard they tried -- they broke me of everything else -- but I could never write with my right hand no matter how bloody they got -- what the HELL was wrong with my parents letting them do that to me anyway??!!) but we are still south paw mousers :)

Wow, how the heck did that get so long? I just came to give a short update and I can't believe how much I just wrote :) Anyway -- I wanted to show you all this adorable bunny that Yvonne has available for free!! She's amazing!! I am so going to get this when I can knit again -- and the puppy from the last post too -- all of her things are just so cute -- and supposed to be very easy to follow patterns too, which is a total plus for me, since I have a serious problem following patterns. If I can't memorize it, I have problems!

Here is Honey Bunny's portrait isn't she just the cutest? I wish I had a baby niece or nephew to knit for! The kids (my own niece and nephew) have grown up so quickly -- they are already 12 and 16!!! Gosh, it was just yesterday they are BORN :( Time sure does fly....Anyway, please check out Yvonne's patterns! I LOVE being able to shop from these talented people @ Etsy! And when they are as nice as Yvonne is (I have spoken with her a couple of times, and she even offered to give me support with the FREE pattern if I needed it! Now, I ask you where do you find people like this??) She's AWESOME and I think she deserves the business!

I got a couple of beautiful things in the mail lately -- if I can snap a decent picture -- I will post them later this evening if my brother brings back the camera while the sun is still out!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

I think we have another one....

Bwwwhhhaaahhhaaaahhaaa! I think we've captured yet another sock addict folks! I do believe I see a bit of a sock addict blooming in my friend KB, for instance, he says "i'm a little excited over finishing them (he's referring to his socks that are pretty freeking awesome!!!), can you tell? ;-) there is really something about completing a pair of socks... this is my first whole pair i think since i was assassinated in sock wars. i dig it." AND I was not even twisting his arm or anything! This was said totally on his own!! I do believe he's joined me (us) in our addiction to the sock!! YEA KB!! Welcome to the addiction! Now watch as your stash grows to include proportions of sock yarn that you won't ever be able to knit in two lifetimes -- and it will happen even before you know what hit you too!


Is this not the most adorable face you've ever seen??? I believe that people that love animals are special people anyway -- BUT, this dog is deaf as well. KB is an extra, special, special kinda guy! I ♥ you, KB! And your devotion to your animals!! (ok, and the fact that you've come over to the sock side, too !)

And speaking of adorable puppies -- please have a peek at this one on Etsy by Yvonneknits that you can knit for yourself if you want to! Someone on KH ia making one and she said the pattern is brilliantly written too, another plus! I am going to get myself one and give it a go just as soon as I can knit again!

Adorable too, no?

And in your honor KB, KA out!
