But I am home now, THANK GOODNESS!
Those of you that I owe things to, I will be contacting you tomorrow, when I am (hopefully) bit less stressed/tried and I can handle the ummm 2603 emails I have gotten ::YIKES!:: since I've been gone -- of course some of them are Spam, but a good portion of them are actually GOOD! Can you imagine? OY! No wonder I feel like I do nothing but read/sort email sometimes :) Didn't get home until late and wasn't even sure I was going to get here even TODAY or not, it wasn't looking good for a while there, until the water works started and they decided to spring me tonight and not make me wait 'till morning. Bastards. That's a whole 'nuther story that I don't even want to get in to though TYVM!
I have MISSED you all!!! Sorry to have kept those of you waiting for things waiting so long, but it could not be helped :( I will jump on things tomorrow and thank you for being so patient ;)
Love and hugs all around!!!
How are you all? It's autumn here on Exmoor, and the huge old gingko tree I
can see from the library window is shedding its golden leaves. Feels l...
4 months ago