Today started out with my being woken WAY too early, and I was NOT a happy camper -- but it gave me some extra time this afternoon to read some blogs that I have never seen before. Which, as it turns out, was a GREAT thing!
While visiting one of those blogs, I found, AND WON, a contest!! Not sure what I won yet, but I WON over at KB's Blog, and I can't help but think this is going to be the start of a new swing in my luck!! THANKS KB!!!! I will wait patiently for my prize to come :)
Seems Mr. KB is addicted to many of the same things as I -- Socks that Rock, Annie Modesitt. The FanFreekingtasticFranklin -- and of course, knitting ;) PLUS, he's a he! How kewl is that? Sure wish I could get Mr. NewKnittingAddict interested again. He used to knit as a kid, but has no interest at all now. I just know he would understand this fiber addiction better if he were knitting too! Maybe once he retires, he will have more time and interest? I can only hope!
Ok, I am going to try to get those pictures taken now, since I read all afternoon, I never did do it while the sun was out -- OOPS! So, they won't be any better than usual!
How are you all? It's autumn here on Exmoor, and the huge old gingko tree I
can see from the library window is shedding its golden leaves. Feels l...
4 months ago
yay for better luck!!!! so glad you wrote and guessed write! restored my faith in the knitting tori fans.... knitting tori fans... i smell a cult. ;)
ROFL, perhaps a small one ;) And THANKS again for running the contest!!! My luck HAS gotten better since, so it's all because of YOU!!!!
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